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Nathaniel Tambre
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Name: Nathaniel (gift of God) Tambre (great joy, music)
Nickname(s): Nathan, Nate, Natey
Race: half American (Caucasian), half British
Age: 16
Gender: male
Sexuality: unsure
Uke or Seme: unsure
Height: 5'6 1/2"
Weight: pretty light and thin, with lightly toned muscles and a slim build
Family: Father (dead), Mother (seperated from her)
Likes: sweets, rollerskating, crosses (upside down ones of course), the color green, snakes, listening to music, playing piano, playing bass guitar
Dislikes: god, religion and anything to do with it, being touched (espeacially by people more then a few years older then him), rollerblading (he can NOT keep his balance on 'those damn things' to save his life), females, his mother, the rest of his family, cats (he's very afraid of them), people seeing his scars, people finding out about his past
He's pretty stand off-ish when he's around other people, never seeming to want to get close physically or emotionally to anyone (more so physically then emotionally though). He's usually pretty quiet, but he can have a bit of a temper on him if he's provoked for long enough. He tries his best to keep from blowing up at anyone, though. He tends to try to avoid contact with others, and talking to them. If someone keeps touching him or bothering him, he can freak out at times and just start crying. He's a bit on the shy side, and really doesn't seem to be able to deal that well with embarassment. He tries to act like he doesn't care about things, like when people pick on him, but if you look in his eyes for a bit, you can tell it really does bother him a great deal. He seems to have a hard time being around other people, and tends to come off as rude without meaning to. When someone actually manages to get close to him, he begins to open up to them. Then he becomes playfull and pretty friendly, though he still tends to avoid physical contact. He can be pretty sweet at times.
Past Information
Nathaniel's mother is a total religious zealot. Because of that, he was raised in an etremely strict catholic home. His mother was extremely over protective of him, in part due to the fact that her husband, Nathaniel's father, died shortly before Nathaniel was born. It caused her to desperately cling onto her son. When he was little, only about five, she began to make wounds in his hands, and then put chemicals on them to make them last. In doing this, she faked stigmata on him. She got people to believe her, and by the next year, she was also making marks on his feet. Because of his mother doing this, Nathaniel was only ever around his mother, and people who wanted to visit him to see the stigmata his mother faked on him. He was even home schooled, and so was never around kids his own age almost, just always older people. When he turned eleven, his relationship with his mother took a change. She had never remarried or even dated anyone. She had spent all of her time with Nathaniel. So then, when he was eleven, his mother began to, well, molest him. She only touched him and such at first, but as he got closer to turning tweleve, she began to actually have sex with him, rape him. This continued until Nathaniel turned fourteen. Shortly after he did, his mother began to create a new wound on him, one in his left side. She made it too big though. Nathaniel lost a lot of blood, but she still wouldn't take him to the hostpital or anything. Eventually though, one of the people who had come to see Nathaniel, called 911 to get help for him. He was rushed to the hospital and was given a blood transfusion eventually, even though his mother protested it. A court order was issued, taking custody of him temporarily away from her so that the blood transfusion could be preformed. A short while after that, the abuse Nathaniel suffered was made known. It was in papers and news across the country. He was taken away from his mother permanently then, and she was sent to jail for what she had done. He went into foster care for a short bit, before, when he was nearly fifteen, he eventually went to live with his Aunt (his father's sister), her husband, and their kids. He was not wanted there though... he was teased and abused emotionally there, and still is. It didn't even take long at all for the people he went to school with, to find out about it. So he gets teased there too, and because of that he often just doesn't go. It would of been hard enough to handle being around so many people anyway, let alone people who always tease him.
Other Information
He's left handed. He always wears this one rosary, though the cross that's on it has been put upside down. He always has his hands wrapped up around the palm, or wearing gloves. He gets bad pains in his hands a lot, and sometimes his feet too, at random times. He tends to have nightmares a lot, so it isn't unusual for him to have bags under his eyes from not sleeping well.
Hair: blonde-ish medium peach with light blonde highlights, reaches from just under his eyes to his chin in the front, it's pushed back to the sides and is a bit messy looking, two pieces hang down in front of his ears that reach down to about chin level, in the back it reaches to about one and a half to two inches all over, with a few pieces sticking out messily
Eyes: chocolate brown around the outsides, cream colored around the pupils, and with amber streaks all through his irises, almond shaped like a cat's eyes
Skin: pale
Other: slim hips that have a slight curve to them
kind of long legs and arms
very nice legs
fingernails that reach to a bit past his fingertips (his fingernails are hard to break, and he usually doesn't think about cutting them until they get rather long)
scars on the middle of his palms and the back of his hands
scares on his feet on the tops an bottoms
scar on his left side from some sort of stab wound
Piercing(s): left earlobe once, top of his right earlobe close to the cartilage
Tattoo(s): black upside down cross on the middle of his upper right arm, 'gOD IS DEAD' (yes all of the letters are capitalized except for the g) written in old looking intricate letters which go around his lower right arm, right above his wrist, it looks bit messy because he did it himself

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