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Chael Manon
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Name: Chael (celectial; angelic) Manon (bitter)
Nickname(s): none... he doesn't like such things
Race: half human, half vampire
Age: 33 (almost 34), looks to be around 22-25
Gender: male
Sexuality: bisexual but he says he's straight normally
Uke or Seme: could be either, but he's normally always seme
Height: 6'5"
Weight: somewhat light, nice build with nicely toned mucles that aren't bulky or anything at all
Occupation: Novelist
Family: as far as he's concerned, he no longer has one and never truly did either
Friends: Lorence (he wouldn't admit to it though)
Likes: cute things (not that he'd ever show that in the silghtest), blue (espeacially lighter shades), eating, sweets, fruit, biting into things and sucking out the juices (habit he got from Lorence)
Dislikes: feeding off of humans (he still does it on occasion though), nuts, love

He tends to have a very bad temper and snaps a lot. Though, he also knows how to keep his temper under control in certain situations, even though in some of those situations it's very hard for him. Most of the time he's cruel and cold hearted to people. He can be nice, caring, and stuff... but it's very rare that he EVER is. When he actually begins to care for someone, he can be quite possessive, get jealous rather easily at times, and be rather protective also. He doesn't seem to have much of a sense of humor, and nearly never even cracks a smile. He does however smirk... If a sense of humor ever comes out, it's likely to be sadistic and come out along with his sadistic side. He's always quite grumpy in the morning, and tends to get violent if he's woken up before he's good and ready to get up.

Past Information
Past information: His family, at least on his father's side was a very wealthy and powerful one. It ran several large companies. As for the other side of his family, his mother's side... Chael never knew any of them, he only ever saw his mother for the first year of his life and then one other time when he was about ten. His father died before he was even born, his father having absolutely no idea he was even in the womb of his mother. Chael's mother wasn't in a relationship with his father even, other then being his favorite prostitute to go to. When he got to the age of one, his mother sold him to the family pretty much and promised to be out of Chael's life for good. She broke that promise though, when Chael was about ten years old. The reason for that is because she had caught a sexually transmitted deseased and knew she was going to die soon. Of course Chael only caught a glimpse of his mother then. She was crying and trying to get to him while being dragged off by some body guards that worked for his family. As Chael was growing up, he was usually kept locked away in his room. He got beat often and usually was not fed. Even so though, he became the top student in his class when he was ten years old, after seeing his mother for that last, and only time he could remember. Because of that his grandfather ended up choosing him to run the compay after he died. It was also because Chael actually tried to please his grandfather, unlike his cousins. Though, Chael decided he didn't like that when he was twenty-two years old. He left his family suddenly, left the job he had at the company his family owned. The day he left was the day of his grandfather's funeral. It was only a few months later that he met a half vampire, half demon, named Lorence. For some reason, Lorence was stubborn and pratically forced Chael to be his friend. A bit after knowing the man for a year, he turned him into a half vampire too, which Chael wasn't sure about agreeing to or not. In the end Lorence's stubbornness won out though and he got Chael to let him turn him. Since then Chael decided to become an novelist.

Other Information
The last name he goes by is his mother's, he decided he preferred being known as a whore's son then the son of some wealthy family who never cared for him in the slightest.
Hair: blonde, with a light brown streak on the outside of his left eye, another one on the outside of his right eye and then a few small ones on the pieces going back over the right side of his head, reaches down to just below his cheeks in the front with a few kind of shorter pieces in between the longer ones, in the front it tends to go back a bit towards the left, but then on right side though it goes back and over the side of his heads, in the back it's about an inch or so long on the bottom thought it gets longer as it goes up to the top of his head, it all sticks out in the back so it comes to about the same length even though it does tend to get a bit shorter as it goes up
Eyes: light brown with golden-ish streaks, a bit narrow, long-ish cute black eyelashes
Skin: pale, though not overly so
Other: long arms and legs
kind of long fingers
slim, narrow hips
small cute looking sharp-ish fangs which he can grow out longer and sharper if he wants
Piercing(s): two in his left earlobe

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