[|] + [Lament] + [|]

Lorence Aziza
[|] + Lament + [|]
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Name: Lorence (not his real name, and he doesn't have a last name, but if he has to use one he uses Aziza (precious))
Nickname(s): Lore/Lor, Lorie
Race: half vampire, half shadow demon (he use to be half human and half shadow demon)
Age: over a few thousand years old, but appears to be just 17
Gender: male
Sexuality: bisexual, but he does prefer guys over girls
Uke or Seme: either
Height: 5'8"
Weight: quite light with a lean build and lightly toned muscles
Family: unknown
Friends: Kyuuketsu, Chael
Likes: listening to music, having something in his mouth (just a strange habbit of his), bitting into things and sucking out their juices and such, fighting, pocket watches (he collects them~), candles, fire, incense, fireworks knives/swords/scythes and other weapons like that, embarassing people, snakes, bitting (even if it's not to feed...)
Dislikes: guns and other weapons like that, people that constantly whine or complain, really cheerful or peppy people, spiders
He tends to have bursts of maturity and immaturity. He's confident and pretty cocky at times. He rarely backs down from challenges or fights... and he does get into fights quite a lot, which he enjoys. He's pretty playful, and just seems to think the world is his playground. He tends to joke around a lot, and he also teases people a lot. He has the tendency to pick on people and tease them too much. He tends to be pretty arrogant (it mainly comes from how long he's lived and all). Ha has a sadistic side to him... and also a masochistic side too. He can be pretty violent, like if someone is annoying him... he might end up just kicking them in the head or something. He usually ignores people and the advice they give him. He's stubborn and tends to just want to do things his own way and say fuck you to anyone has anything negative to say about. He's quite blunt. He's pretty much a flirt. He can be pretty morbid, and he has a morbid sense of humor. He can be pretty hyper and... giddy... at times.

Past information
I'm too lazy to type it out yet... ^^;;
Other information
He can cause his teeth and fangs to grow out longer and sharper, and his nails to grow out longer and sharper. When he taps into his powers a lot, his hair begins turning more black, and his eyes also turn black. Sometimes the whites in his eyes even turn black. His pupils turn into slits when he's angry, feels bloodthirst, or taps into his power a bit (when it's not enough for his eyes to turn black). He always wears an ankh danging from what appears to be black cord around his neck, but it's really some of his shadow and blood. The ankh is almost pure silver and has very tiny cryptic encryption in pure gold on it that you'd need a microscope to even try to read. Because of the tiny encrytions, it looks to be all gold instead of silver. The three hoop earrings he wears on his right earlobe, and the eye of horus earring he wears on his left earlobe. He also has silver hoops going up his backbone that look like that. They show on the outside, but go into his skin. They're spaced apart around an inch and a half. He also wears tight bands around right above his wrists, right above his ankles also, and the middle of his thighs, and the middle of his upper arms. He tends to sing random lyrics to random songs a lot while bored or just if the urge strikes him. He tends to not kill humans, but still feeds off of them. He doesn't have any qualms with killing his own kind (other demons or other vampires).
Hair: sandy blonde with black roots and tips, reaches to his lips in the front in the middle then slowly gets shorter as it goes to the sides until it ends up reaching to about the middle of his forehead, on the sides in front of his ears it reaches to about an inch under his chin and curves in towards his face a bit, right behind those right in front of his ear are two small-ish pieces that reach down to his shoulders and are put into small braids all of the time (these pieces of his hair are completely black), in the back his hair reaches to random lengths between an inch and two inches long
Eyes: bright crystal blue with light silvery streaks around the insides that seems to burst out into medium purple which fades into light crystal purple around the outsides, elongated pupils
Skin: pale with a slight light mocha tint
Other: long legs and arms
kind of long fingers
fingernails that reach out to a bit past his fingertips
sharp teeth and cute little fangs
black markings around his eyes that look like eyeliner, they go off to the sides of his head (yeah... so it looks Egyptiany), and also they trail down his cheeks a bit
Piercing(s): three on his right earlobe, on on his lef earlobe

All Characters and Pictures are property of Felicia aka Lim unless stated otherwise.
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