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Iain Varen
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Name: Iain (God is Gracious) Varen (superior)
Nickname(s): Ia
Race: human (Caucasian)
Age: 29, but looks more like he's in his early 20s, no one would even think he was 25 yet
Gender: male
Sexuality: unknown... most guess he's bi... or at least hope so they'll have a chance with him
Uke or Seme: seme mainly... it's rare he's the uke, but it has happened a few times before
Height: 6'4"
Weight: somewhat light, nice build with nicely toned mucles that aren't bulky or anything, but also aren't small (so in other words he's lightly 'ripped' ^^;; )
Occupation: He now owns a modeling agency, which his mother started
Family: Nyanyi (cousin)
Likes: photography, taking pictures of good looking guys, playing hooky when it comes to his job and responsibilities, pink, younger guys, reading (though he rarely finishes a book he starts), going to new places, doing new things, trying new things, being pursued by those who 'want' him, having something in his mouth (... it's just a habit of his... it doesn't really matter what it is most of the time, it can be a straw, toothpick, cigarette... or something more perverted~), being given things, attention, sweets, strawberries and strawberry flavored things
Dislikes: people his own age, being called 'old', being stuck in one place for very long, being tide down in relationships, people who give up to easily, overly sweet things, lemons and lemon flavored things

He really doesn't act his age at all... well, not usually anyway. At times he can... but he really doesn't care for it much. He is usually pretty laid back, though if you get him riled up... watch out. He can be quite playful and flirtatous. Dominant... definately dominant. He has a bit of a sadistic side to him. He tends to slack off a lot and run off from his job and responsibilities. Though, he does not take those things lightly as most would think. He just likes torturing people when he runs off and such. He has a tendancy to get bored rather easily. Another tendency he has is to play with other people and their emotions. At times, he can be VERY frightening. He is also quite curious usually, and always wants to do and try new things. Has the tendency to be quite blunt a lot of the time. A little on the perverted side... or a lot, depending on his mood. He can be a bit of a show off... or a lot of a show off. He knows he looks good, quite good, and he is definately not afraid to flaunt that.

Hair: pale blonde which has been dyed pink though the roots are showing through for about an inch now, reaches to just under his nose in the front, to his chest on the sides, and to between the middle of his back and his hips in the back
Eyes: bright blue with darker and paler blue streaks through it, a white nearly silver looking ring around his pupils, somewhat narrow, surrounded by cute and slightly long blonde eyelashes
Skin: pale with a mocha tint
Other: slim hips that curve out just a small bit
long legs
somewhat long arms and fingers
slightly long nicely kept figernails
long somewhat thin neck
kind of broad shoulders
small and cute, though sharp fangs which he had added quite a few years ago
Piercing(s): tongue, left earlobe twice, upper right ear once, right nipple

All Characters and Pictures are property of Felicia aka Lim unless stated otherwise.
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